Monday, January 12, 2009

Revolver (10/1/2009)

By Jimmy

Sean Ainsworth

3 Beers consumed

The Revolver Bandroom always makes me feel as though I'm some sort of oddity for the Munters in the back room. Something about being in that big cage I think. And going to the bathroom always makes me feel weird.... 
'Hey, there's a cover charge to go in there...'
'To the Bathroom?'
'Oh, no.... that's just to the right... but don't go any further.... there's a cover charge to go in there...'

Fearless vampire killers are becoming a regular fixture in our 100 gigs quest, with their relentless gig playing either as headliners or supports. A Saturday night free of them on a bill is becoming a rarity. Obviously not content with spending a night in, Sean Ainsworth, FVK frontman, was first opening the night. Playing solo 60's psych, with a carefree attitude, he had the crowd relaxed and amused, particularly during a straight to the chorus cover of Radioheads Let Down.  

Space images soon took over the projector, a fitting intro for the 80's Psychedelia stylings of the Devil Parade. Clearly also feeling a little restless, keyboards were provided by FVK bassist, Whill Dempsey. The singer kinda looks like Ronnie Wood but sounds a little like Richard Ashcroft. For some reason I had the Stone Roses stuck in my head afterwards, but that's not a bad thing.

Zac Efron, Michael Cera and the Mighty Boosh dude now have a band apparently, and they are the Priory Dolls. While I wasn't sure of their poppy/noisy sound at first, by the end of their set they had won me over.  Songs about soldiers on holiday combined with guitar noise work quite well (I made that up, I have no idea what the songs are about, I never listen to lyrics- Sorry... but the music is heck- good). Plenty of energy made this my band of the night. Jack of the Morning Sun on their myspace is currently keeping me motivated. 

Closing the night were Paper Planes, named after the popular MIA song of 2007. That's a lie. Grungy female angst may have been big in the 90's (Hole, Garbage etc.), but unfortunatly for this band was not enough to hold the majority of the audience, who had made like cheap frankfurts and split before the show began. They missed some very long hair, lots of distortion, and a bassist that looked like he could smell a bad fart when he was rockin it. While not mind blowing, it was refreshing to see different kind of retro sound. What they did, they did well, but it's not for me. Not this year anyway.

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